Saturday 9 August 2008

Help Lower My Mortgage Payments to Avoid House Foreclosure - With 8 Steps That Spell M-O-R-T-G-A-G-E

If You Need Help, You are not alone

If you are struggling to pay your mortgage you are not alone. Authorities project that over 2 million homes will go into default this year. One out of every 18 homeowners is behind on their mortgage payments. That's bad news.

Help Is Available

The good news is that many real estate professionals as well as the government and lending and banking institutions, are very interested in helping you save your home. On the average, a home foreclosure reduces the surrounding property values by $17 to $18 thousand dollars - within a five mile radius of the property. Every home saved means fewer vacant homes, which supports higher property values, a stronger community, and an improved local economy.

Real Estate and Financial Professionals Can Help

Many Real estate and financial professionals realize that some in their communities are going through difficult times and it is affecting their ability to make their mortgage payments, avoid foreclosure and save their homes. Saved homes mean stronger communities that have a greater need for their services.

The US Government Wants To Help

The housing market is an important sector of the economy and the government wants reduced foreclosure rates and increased property values to strengthen the economy. The government has helped by coming up with new loan programs that make it a little easier for homeowners to refinance into a loan with better interest rates, which translates to lower mortgage payments. However, not all mortgage brokers keep track of these programs. It's important to work with a broker who specializes in this area because he or she can stay up to date on these new developments.

The Banking and Lending Institutions Can Help

The banking institutions are often willing to negotiate with homeowners who are behind on their payments, or whose interest rates are adjusting to the extent that they won't be able to make their payments any longer. The banks would often prefer to have a paying homeowner on modified terms, rather than end up with a vacant house on their books which they have to pay to fix up and sell.

Use A Team Of Experts For Best Results

You can of course talk to your lender and try to make an arrangement on your own. However, there are professionals who have become expert at these types of negotiations and know exactly how best to present your case to your lender to get you the best possible terms of loan reinstatement or interest rate reduction. The end result of a successful negotiation can be a lower mortgage rate but there is no guarantee. Timing and strategy are important. This is where having a professional in this area is the key.

By the same token, you could try to find out about all the latest loan programs and decide which one is best for you, but working with the right mortgage broker will keep you from having to 'reinvent the wheel', as the saying goes.

Seniors Have A Special Advantage

Seniors are a special case. If you are a senior, it may be possible to eliminate your mortgage payments altogether with a mortgage product that actually pays you every month, instead of you paying a mortgage. It's called a reverse-mortgage. It's not for everyone, but it may be exactly what you need to be comfortable during your retirement years. Even if you have applied for a reverse mortgage in the past and been denied, there are some new loan products evolving that may be even better suited to your situation.

Action Plan To Reduce Your Mortgage and Save Your Home

Now is the time to empower yourself by taking constructive action.
If you are a homeowner who is saying "I need to lower my mortgage payments or I will not be able to avoid house foreclosure." Here's what I would suggest you do next. Take the 8 Steps below that spell:

M - MOVE IT!: - Make sure you take action as soon as possible. The quicker you act, the more choices you have

O - ORGANIZE YOU DOCUMENTS: Have you been letting those scary letters pile up in the corner? Make sure you have organized all related files and paperwork so you can get your hands on what you need, quickly. This also increases your sense of control over your situation.

R - RECRUIT YOUR TEAM: Look for an experienced team of real estate and financial professionals that is working together in your best interest. Start by asking to your friends and family for recommendations and searching offline as well as online. Remember that in the financial world you are not limited geographically. Your best team members may be hundreds of miles away. Keep searching until you are certain you have the right group. Good advisors often work together. Sometimes the key is to find one team member that you know is the right fit for you and he or she can lead you to others.

T - TAKE ADVANTAGE OF ALL RESOURCES: Keep an open mind. Work with your team to explore all of your options for yourself and your family. The solution may or may not be straightforward. Make sure you clearly communicate the issues that are most important to you. Brainstorm. Ask questions. You will often find that the best strategy will present and confirm itself as you keep cycling through this process.

G - GAIN FAMILY CONSENSUS: Discuss options with all concerned and affected by your decision. (well maybe not the dog, but everyone else). Talking it through will help to eliminate some of the stress and provide needed support when everyone is on the same page. It's amazing how much more you can accomplish when you have full cooperation of the most important people in your life.

A - ACT: Take a deep breath, take action and make your best choice. Don't give in to analysis paralysis. At a certain point, you have to pull the trigger and make a decision.

G - GIVE YOURSELF A BREAK: Go easy on yourself, knowing you have done your best for yourself and your family. Guilt, anger, and frustration only sap your creative problem solving energy.

E- EXPECT TO SHARE YOUR KNOWLEDGE: When you are ready, pass on the knowledge you have gained to others worthy of your wisdom. Remember when you were at the team recruitment stage and were asking around for recommendations? Now it's your turn to 'pay if forward' and share your experience so it benefits others. Word of mouth travels. You may be the reason someone else can save their home by lowering their mortgage payments!

So there you have it. If you get:

Organize all of your documents,
Recruit your dream team,
Take advantage of their wisdom,
Gain your family's consensus and support, take
Give your self a serious break, and
Expect to share your knowledge with someone else who needs help,...

You will be amazed at how smoothly you can come up with a workable solution... with a little help from your friends!

I hope you have gained some useful knowledge. May you and your loved ones have all the best for your future!

By Toni Tanner

If you would like more information and my other recommendations, go to:

Toni T. has been a real estate professional since 1999. She specializes in developing creative solutions for homeowners primarily by networking and by creating strategic alliances with other real estate professionals nationwide - and within the local real estate market of Southern California. She lives in the Los Angeles Area.

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Bad Credit Residential Mortgage

At Donna's Mortgages, we have a track record for helping our customers manage their financial affairs responsibly, and assisting them in re-establishing their credit and stability.

We understand that, although many clients are capable and willing to take on the responsibility of a new residential mortgage, the criteria used by most, if not all, financial lending institutions prevent them from obtaining their loan request, due to past bad credit. Over the past few years, it has become increasingly easier to obtain loans for clients with bad or less than perfect credit, via tried and trusted private lending companies. These are also called sub-prime mortgages and loans. These companies can often finance sub-prime or bad credit mortgages which conventional institutions cannot. The main thing these private lending companies wish to see is equity in the property, in a marketable location.

What's really important is that we are able, in almost all cases, to place financing regardless of your past credit history. We are also able to assist consumers with good credit to obtain the most competitive mortgage rates and terms, and offer a wide range of mortgage products to meet a variety of needs.

Whether you have a history of bad or less than perfect credit, you have filed for bankruptcy, consumer proposal, credit counselling, you are self-employed or without verifiable income, or you've accumulated an unmanageable amount of debt, we can almost always place your loan request for financing.

Because sub-prime mortgage loans can often be a complicated process, it's important you speak with the right people. The idea is to improve your credit score and get you back on track with manageable debt and payment schedules. Even if your initial goal is to consolidate debts, do home renovations, taking a much-needed holiday, or anything else, a sub-prime bad credit mortgage can actually help improve your credit score. Combined with timely payments, a sub-prime mortgage can put you in the right direction towards financial freedom. Call us today.

By Donna Lewczuk

Visit for more information on our services or to contact me.

Donna Lewczuk

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Pay Off Your Mortgage in 8 Years Without Paying More Per Month

Yes, You Can! Now there are fantastic new programs available that help you pay off your mortgage in 8 years or less without paying more than you are paying now and without altering your life style.

These are not a bi-weekly programs. The programs are set up using a system that is tailored for each individual consumer by using sophisticated software. You load your income and payment information into the system and the program tells you exactly what to pay and when to pay it. You can change the variables and work out "if-then" scenarios. The question is not "Can I really do this?" The question you need to ask yourself is, "What will I do with this extra money each month after my house is paid off?" Travel? Retirement? Investments? New Car? College Education? Rental Properties? Vacations?

How do these programs work? Well, the software considers the balance and limits on your existing home equity line of credit account or one that you set up yourself through a your local bank for this purpose. It also takes into account your monthly income and expense. These are all variables you input into the software. Your home equity line is used to offset or cancel out mortgage interest. The software utilizes highly complex mathematical formulas to help you achieve your lifetime goals. There are a few different software programs on the market today and many companies selling different systems. Some companies require you to set up an account with them and others do not. All of the programs are alike but also different. They are alike in they are designed to accelerate your mortgage pay off. They are different with their approaches and costs to get you there. The old adage, "Different strokes for different folks" has never been more applicable than with these mortgage acceleration programs.

These programs originated in Australia and Australians have been taking advantage of it for years. They have been canceling out their interest simply by depositing their pay checks into their home equity line of credit. In Australia, the banking system is different than in the U.S. making the Australian system hard to duplicate in the U.S. Now with the software and the home equity line of credit, Americans can duplicate what the Australians have been doing for years.

These programs can be used as excellent tools for those who want to take charge of their finances. Now with technology, Americans are becoming their own arbitrages. This system does not work with all home equity lines of credit the same, so be careful in setting up the home equity line of credit account that is right for you.

By Bill Burress

For information on the above programs, call Bill Burress, Nationwide Mortgage Expert offers 27 years of mortgage experience. You may contact Bill Burress, North America Mortgage Manager at Toll Free 1-800-239-1416. or fill out the 30 Second Inquiry Form You can also view an NBC news segment regarding one of these amazing methods of mortgage acceleration. NBC NEWS Segment Video

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Countrywide Mortgage Online Payment Plans - Making Payments the Fast and Easy Way

When looking for a mortgage company you cannot go wrong with Countrywide Financial, a tried and true company that has been in existence since 1969. Countrywide Financial is considered to be America's number 1 mortgage lender company. Countrywide financial online offers a variety of online mortgage loans, such as: home equity loans, refinancing loans, consolidation of debts loans, and reverse mortgage loans.

You may be a first time homeowner or you may want to buy a bigger home than you have right now. You may own a single home or a multi-unit dwelling. Either way you will be concerned about your payments and may be interested in Countrywide Mortgage Online payment information and options.

Their secured website will assist you with you equity or home equity line of credit Countrywide Mortgage online payment. In this day and age with identity theft a concern, all citizens must make sure that any website they visit has a good firewall and are hacker protected. You can rest assured that your personal financial information will not be viewed by anyone not associated with the actual processing of your Countrywide Mortgage online payment.

With the Countrywide Mortgage online payment plans you will still have the flexibility to make payments that suit your living style and unique needs. You can make payments large enough to save you great amounts of money in interest payments, make extra payments at your convenience to pay off your loan faster, or have your payment drafts occur in concert with your paychecks.

PayPlan/12 will allow you the comfort of knowing that you do not have to go to a financial institution to make a special Countrywide Mortgage online payment. This online plan is programmed to take the payment directly out of your checking or savings account on the date that you specify. If you select a date that is within the first seven days of your payment grace period there will be no charge for this service, however a fee of $2.00 or $4.00 will be applied for selected dates after a week into the grace period. All payments must be confined to the grace period that you may have opted for to use this service.

PayPlan/24 gives you the option to select a bi-monthly Countrywide Mortgage online payment plan. Smaller payments may fit better with your lifestyle needs. There is a 4.00 fee for this service and is not available for Home Equity plans.

PayPlan/26 will automatically take a payment from your account every two weeks, since as there are 26 two-week periods in a year. Since this payment plans will deduct an amount equal to 13 payments in a 12-month period, the additional month payment will be applied to your principal loan amount. A fee of $4.00 per transaction will be applied. This service is offered solely for a fixed rate mortgage loan.

PayPlan/52 allows you to select weekly payment deductions. At year-end you will have made 13 months of payments and the extra month will be applied against the principal loan. A weekly fee of $2.00 will apply. This service is only available on fixed rate mortgage loans.

Countrywide mortgage online payments can also be made from different financial institutions such as Quicken or Ms Money and several online banking services such as and E-Statements are available with all Countrywide Mortgage Online Payment options. They are not available other traditional payment plans.

By Zalee K

Everything you want to know about Home Mortgages but never dared to ask! We will teach you everything you need to know about mortgages right now!

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Make Money in a Slow Real Estate Market

The world is getting more expensive to live in, isn't it? The cost of living has no where to go but up, up and up. There seems to be no end. So, what can you do about it? Ever thought of earning through property marketing or real estate? If you haven't, then try considering it. It's a great way to earn money. A lot of people have made a living out of it.

How It Works

There are a lot of ways that you can earn money through real estate. You can work as an agent and sell a house or two every now and again. Or you could buy a property, improve it and sell it for double or triple the amount you spent. It may seem like a risky business. But, as long as you have the skill and you have an in depth knowledge about the business - you have nothing to fear.

Getting Started

Keep in mind that 'Little Knowledge is Dangerous'. That is why it is highly recommended that you know as much as you can about this type of business before you plunge head first. Never assume anything. If you don't know something - do your research! Ask the experts. Study all the materials that you can get your hands on. Spend time on the web looking for sites that offer information regarding the world of real estate. You can also further your knowledge by working as a junior agent in a real estate firm. That way you can learn the ins and outs of how to sell a house or a property.

Investing Can Be Steep

The main thing that scares people away about this type of business is the fact that they have to invest a lot of money in order to get started. Some people take out loans while others use their life savings. Some start with their own house. They renovate it, sell it, move to another house and repeat the cycle. The only problem with that last strategy is that life can get nomadic. And not a lot of people want a nomadic lifestyle.

Sell, Sell, Sell

Once you know all you need to know about the world of real estate and you have the financial support to meet your drive. Then, it's time to get started. Start small, think big. Buy a property that you know will attract buyers. Improve on it, sell it and enjoy your revenue. If you get lost along the way just think what Jeff (Jeff Lewis from "Flipping Out") would do.

By Caitlina Fuller

Caitlina Fuller is a freelance writer. There are a lot of ways that you can earn money through real estate. You can work as an agent and sell a house or two every now and again. Or you could buy a property, improve it and sell it for double or triple the amount you spent. It may seem like a risky business.

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How to Become a Rich Real Estate Bird Dog

The demand of Real Estate Bird Dog is always huge and you will always be able to make money whether it is good or bad times without giving up your day job! So, how to become a real estate bird dog?

Below are two important steps that you need to follow in order to become a successful real estate bird dog even if you don't have a college degree and never sell properties before.

1) Locate A Real Estate Investor Mentor

Before getting started as a real estate bird dog, you need to find a real estate investor mentor that you would like to work with in your investment interests. Locate a real estate investor who are interested to invest in your targeted area and who are willing to share with you his investment experience.

Having an experienced real estate investor as your mentor will shorten your learning curve and therefore enhance your success.

2) Learn How To General leads For Your Investors

You must learn how to generate leads for your investor in order to earn your finder's fee or your bird dog fee. There are actually various methods of finding real estate investment deals and it is advisable to get your real estate investment mentor to train you in finding deals. If you want to become a successful real estate bird dog, you must be persistent, be communicative when things get tough in particular during the process of finding profitable and suitable deals for your investors. Besides, being creative helps in finding property leads.

In conclusion, to become a real estate bird dog, you have to first locate a real estate mentor to train you in real estate investments and learn how to find profitable deals for your investors.

By Gary Goh

Wondering whether Real Estate Bird Dog can make money without giving up their day job? Read more at

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The Three Cardinal Rules of Negotiating Real Estate Transactions

You can find hundreds of books on the art of real estate negotiation . . . but pardon my frankness, many of these books offer stale strategies and tactics that just do not work.

For example, in many books you can find the ABC rule - "always be closing." That is, you want to have a bunch of deals in the works and you want to get to "yes" as quickly as possible in order to close that deal.

However, getting to "yes" ASAP means you leave out a bunch of steps in the middle, such as carefully pre-qualifying your prospect by asking lots of questions. (I call this process "Getting to 'no' first - meaning, you weed out those who aren't serious about a deal).

It's also why I've simplified negotiation down to three cardinal rules: the person who mentions price first loses, get to know your opponent before meeting with him or her, and always get your agreement in writing.

Negotiation Cardinal Rule #1: The person who mentions price first loses

When I first started doing lease options, I had a woman call me to see if I had a specific type of property that she could then lease to own. She had $8K put aside but unfortunately at the time, I didn't have anything in inventory that met her requirements. A few weeks later I found a property and called her about it and said that if she liked what she saw after doing a drive by, we could do business that very day.

She ended up loving the property. We did the walk through and as she and I talked, I knew that $8K was sure money in my pocket.

"Jim," she said. "I have a problem. Remember how I said I had $8K? The problem is I don't have $8K."

My heart fell clear to my stomach and my knees went soft. "Uh oh," I thought.

She then went on to say, "I don't have $8K, I have $10K. Is that ok?"

Now, I if had opened my big mouth and had said at the beginning of our negotiation talk, "I'll need a check for $8K," I would have never learned she had an additional $2K in her pocket. The moral being - never be the first person to talk about price.

Instead, ask lots of open-ended questions that will give you solid information in order to determine where people stand. For example, when I'm talking to a person who is looking for a house or a lease option, I ask questions such as, "It sounds like you're living in a great place. Why do you want to move?" (What I'm really asking is, "Are you a deadbeat?")

Or, if I'm sitting at someone's kitchen table and he's spilling his guts to me about his house going into foreclosure, I ask, "If you're able to sell the property, what you would you be comfortable asking for it?" Having the property owner tell me first what he wants for the property is akin to him showing me his cards before he makes a bet. In other words, it gives me the advantage.

Negotiation Cardinal Rule #2: Learn about your opponent before meeting

One of the first things lawyers do when preparing to negotiate is consult a lawyer's directory. They want to know which school the opposing lawyer attended, what firm they work for, if they've made partner, etc. And, if you're the lawyer who works for a larger firm, you'll have the opposing lawyer come to your office in order to intimidate him or her.

The same principal - know you opponent -- works in real estate negotiations. For example, if you're working with a bank on a short sale, you'll want to get to know the bank and its methods of operating and whether its personnel are "user friendly" or they're a bunch of pit bulls. One bank I work with is very confrontational and negotiating with them is like pulling teeth. I learned very quickly that I have to have all my facts, comparables, etc. ready and at hand when dealing with them because if I screw up, I do not get a second bite at the apple.

Knowing your opponent also means learning what kind person he or she is. For example, analytical people or number crunchers will want you to substantiate and document everything. Touchy-feely people, on the other hand, will want to talk things out.

To learn more about your opponent, talk to people in your network, do some online research (i.e. do a Google search), and attend your local REIA meetings - people love to talk and by asking questions and being a good listener, you're sure to pick up some good "off the record" data.

Negotiation Cardinal Rule #3: Always get everything in writing

Although we all want to believe other people are good and honest, the sad truth is that disagreements can and do occur in real estate negotiations, which is why you need to put all agreements in writing. This is especially important in Massachusetts, where verbal agreements are not enforceable.

If you do get a verbal agreement, at the very least follow it up with an email or letter outlining the conversation and what was agreed to by each of you. If you're dealing with a bank regarding a short sale, send a quick fax to whomever you spoke with stating something like "These are the parameters of the deal and this is what we agreed on" and then list everything discussed in the conversation. Be sure to sign and date it and call the person to ensure he or she received your fax.

Developing your negotiation skills takes time but is well worth the effort. In order to negotiate your way to better profits, don't blurt out a price first, get to know your opponent before you step into the negotiation arena, and always get everything in writing!

By James Gage

Interested in having your own successful, home based creative real estate investing business? James has been helping folks start successful home based businesses for over 16 years, and he can help you too! To see how visit for the latest FREE tips and tricks, educational products and mentoring in creative real estate investing or give us a call @ 508-595-9567.

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20 Common Traits Of Million Dollar Real Estate Agents

A successful real estate agents attitude is one of an entrepreneur, here is a list of 20 commonalities found amongst some of the most successful real estate agents attitudes.

1. They love to make money, instead of making money to do things they love.

2. They have bigger dreams then most people.

3. They are very success oriented.

4. They are restless and impatient! It often shows with people, situations, and in meetings.

5. They work hard and play hard. At times they are not sure whether its work or play.

6. They are better at something - anything then most people.

7. They look at risks differently then most folks.

8. They are proud and can be easily annoyed or insulted.

9. They have a smaller and tighter circle of friends then most people.

10. They have a lower tolerance for office politics, water-cooler discussions, and gossip.

11. One or more parents/family members are self employed.

12. Many have been fired one or more times.

13. They have a nack for business/communications at a young age.

14. They are commonly the oldest or youngest child in the family.

15. Most are less then 45 years old.

16. The majority are married, yes married!

17. Most have at least an associates degree.

18. They can be loners and be sociable people when need be.

19. They lack structure but are also super organized.

20. They are highly competitive.

These attitudes are not set in stone, every body has their own path to success and yours could be totally unique. As always, it takes hard work and dedications. Here's to finding your path to success, cheers!

By Anthony Dase

Anthony Dase spent 10 years helping real estate agents like you, find new customers and increase their listings/sales with real estate postcard marketing. He has designed over 300 real estate postcards for top-producing realtors nationwide. His realtor postcards can be found at

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8 Questions You Need to Answer First to Make Your Fixer-Uppers a Success

If you think real estate investing and buying and selling fixer-uppers is merely a hobby to be taken lightly, realize that investing, especially in the real estate market can be a complicated but rewarding undertaking. While indeed there are simple ways of making it all work, it's still a serious business and must be looked upon as such. For this very reason, here are eight important questions to ask yourself first before attempting to make your mark in real estate:

1. Count your capital, how much do you have? What percentage of money do you have right now to put towards buying your first, of hopefully many fixer-uppers? Will you have 20 percent, 10 percent, or perhaps, even no money at all? Using as little of your own money as possible while still having some leftover for backup purposes is the best case scenario.

2. What is the amount you can afford to borrow? Remember you'll be the one repaying the loan until you find a renter or a buyer, so be sure to figure out what the monthly payments will be ahead of time to ensure you aren't scrounging for funds at the end of each month.

3. Have you decided if you will sell, hold, or do both? Depending on your individual circumstances, the best way to turn a profit quickly is to hold, then sell in order to continue building up properties while still being guaranteed a steady flow of income.

4. What are your areas of expertise? Are you savvy about matters of foreclosures, or are fixer-uppers more your specialty? What type of experience do you have working with appraisers and other investors? Learn as much as you can before jumping into the business head first for the best chances of thriving.

5. Who will be doing the renovations? Are you skilled enough to handle most of the work yourself, or will you need to rely upon the experts to do the majority of renovations? If so, you'll want to hire professionals and be sure to account for the extra cost.

6. What is the minimum amount of profit you expect to make? A general rule of thumb is to aim for at least 20 percent of your total investment in order to make the project worth your while.

7. Do you have an exit strategy, and if so, what is it? Having an exit plan in place as well as being prepared for any contingencies that may take you by surprise is imperative to protect yourself in the event things don't turn out as you envisioned.

8. Have you, or do you know how to build a team of experts? Once you become more experienced in the world of real estate investing and turning fixer-uppers into profit, you'll begin to develop a network of knowledgeable people who can help you become a success. These people include accountants, appraisers and attorneys, as well as contractors, builders, real estate agents and mortgage brokers.

Don't be a part of the 90% of new business ventures that fail and have a clear plan in mind while focusing on the previous issues before delving into renovating and selling fixer-uppers.

By Sal S Vannutini

Sal Vannutini is the author of " The 8 Power Profit Secrets To Making More Money With Less Risk In Real Estate, " a free strategy report for investors. Get your complimentary copy at today.

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Six Reasons Why Fixer-Uppers Are the Key to Financial Freedom

Second only behind real estate development, fixer-uppers and renovating properties are one of the absolute best ways to turn a profit and increase your overall worth. Finding homes and apartment complexes or condominiums that are in need of repair, but still structurally sound, of course, is an excellent way to begin making money faster than you ever thought possible.

Here are six reasons why fixer-uppers are more than worth the work involved and why they can be the key to obtaining financial freedom:

1. Accelerated Wealth: By using the buy, repair, and hold method when it comes to fixer-uppers, you're able to increase the equity and the overall value of your personal portfolio, thus, increasing the likelihood you'll be able to quickly purchase the next property and be on your way to being financially secure.

2. Capital Profits: Yet another attractive benefits of the buy, repair, hold method is the capabilities of making an instant profit that averages anywhere from ten to thirty percent, with some even achieving as much as fifty or sixty percent, depending on the stage the property was in when it was purchased and then renovated.

3. The Potential to Earn a Six-Figure Income: If buying fixer-uppers, rehabbing them, and then selling quickly, or flipping as it's sometimes called, is of more interest to you, earning a six-figure income is definitely possible. The timeframe to achieve this milestone, of course, will depend upon the amount you've initially invested, the total cost of the property and its renovations, and how soon you're able to move on to the next investment.

4. The Potential to Quit Your Day Job: Depending on how much time you're willing and able to devote to real estate investing, as well as your current financial situation, the possibility of quitting your day job and working for yourself as a real estate investor doesn't have to be merely a pipe dream or farfetched fantasy you'd never thought would come to fruition. People will always need a place to live, and people will always be buying houses and looking for bargains. And, if you have any knowledge in repairs or renovations, even better as you'll be able to save money on contractors while working full-time at your newfound career.

5. Quick Cash with Long-Term Returns: Ideally, the savvy real estate investor will ensure they have fixer-uppers they intend on renovating and reselling, and those they plan on renting or leasing as well. This approach then gives you a steady flow of income, allowing you to invest more while still increasing your long-term capital growth.

6. Fewer Risks Involved: When compared with other types of investing, investing in real estate is not only less riskier, but it also gives you more control over what happens to your money in the end. While investing in other arenas shouldn't be ignored or forgotten, as doing so helps one to stay abreast of current news and trends in the market as a whole, buying fixer-uppers at reduced prices, doing the renovations and then listing them for a higher selling price definitely presents a lesser risk.

While this list isn't all inclusive by any means, it should still give you a better idea as to how fixer-uppers can generate an incredible amount of money in a reasonable amount of time.

By Sal S Vannutini

Sal Vannutini is the author of " The 8 Power Profit Secrets To Making More Money With Less Risk In Real Estate, " a free strategy report for investors. Get your complimentary copy at today.

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When is a Fixer Upper NOT a Good Idea?

Whether you're just starting out or have been a real estate investor for awhile now, you've probably heard that fixer uppers are a great way to maximize your income. Although this is true for many investors, there are times when purchasing a fixer upper is not a good idea. In this article, we'll provide you with five instances when you should steer clear of foreclosures. Sound interesting? You bet.

Here are 5 scenarios when a fixer upper is NOT a good idea:

1. You do not have any starting capital. Although you can purchase a fixer upper with little or no money down, you must have some money in reserve to handle unexpected emergencies. For instance, if you underestimate that cost of the repairs and they cost more, you must have some money in reserve. In another instance, your property may not sell as quickly as you would like and you'll have to cover mortgage payments or put additional funds into finding a buyer or renter. Either way, you must have some residual funds.

2. You base your decision on purchasing a fixer upper without doing any homework. Although you can receive some hot tips from well meaning folks, including real estate agents, in most instances, you have to do your homework beforehand. This is because finding a good fixer upper deal takes hard work, effort and a lot of research. Those investors who are most successful know a bit about marketing trends, repair costs, etc. They are able to use their knowledge to maximize profits. By purchasing properties without doing any work beforehand, you increase your risk of investing failure.

3. You purchase a fixer upper in a really bad location because it is a good deal. As the saying goes, "location, location, location is extremely important in a real estate" and if you purchase a property in a bad locations, you will likely have a hard time selling or renting the property. This is because prospective buyers or renters will be afraid to live there and you in essence will not be able to offload the property at all.

4. You purchase a fixer upper that requires a lot of work and you are not a handy man and don't intend to put any money into fixing it up. Being a fixer upper realtor doesn't require that you be a master repairer, however you must make certain repairs or hire someone else in order to maximize your profits. If you don't, prospective buyers will not be interested in the property at all and definitely won't give you a great price for it.

5. You purchase a home from a seller with legal problems. In this instance, you will face a ton of problems. For instance, your seller might not even own the house because of back property taxes owed or a foreclosed on second mortgage. So, it is important that you do your due diligence to avoid these types of problems.

In conclusion, purchasing a fixer upper can be risky business is you don't know what you're doing. However, if you avoid purchasing properties in bad neighborhoods from sellers with legal properties, refuse to buy without any capital for necessary repairs, don't purchase properties you can't fix up, then you can find success in fixer upper real estate investing.

Good luck!

By Sal S Vannutini

Sal Vannutini is the author of " The 8 Power Profit Secrets To Making More Money With Less Risk In Real Estate, " a free strategy report for investors. Get your complimentary copy at today.

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