Sunday 22 March 2009

Prairie House Plans

Living in a welcoming home in a lovely setting is the American dream. Maybe you have country farm house plans of your own after seeing television shows featuring old-time family life. The rich history of prairie style homes makes them a modern delight.

Updated prairie homes were originally built in the early 1900s by world famous architect Frank Lloyd Wright. He designed prairie houses to blend into the flatter prairie landscape. The houses got their name after 1901 when Wright's plan entitled "A Home in a Prairie Town" in Ladies Home Journal.

The original prairie houses were made of plaster with wood trim. Some prairie style houses were sided with horizontal batten and board. Now prairie style homes use concrete block. They can be square, T-shaped, Y-shaped, L-shaped or shaped like a pinwheel.

Prairie house plans typically include certain features. A prairie style home is recognized by its low-pitched roof, horizontal lines, overhanging eaves, central chimney, clerestory windows and an open floor plan. Wright designed prairie homes because he felt the rooms in Victorian houses were confining and boxed-in. Leaded glass panels often divide the rooms for a more open, spacious feeling.

Many consider the Frederic C. Robie House the finest example of the Frank Lloyd Wright prairie style. The Frederic C. Robie House was built in Chicago in 1909. The Frank W. Thomas House in Oak Park, Illinois is considered to be Wright's first prairie house and was also one of he first times he used stucco.

Prairie style houses actually used Japanese architecture. Flowing interior areas and long, banded windows create geometric shapes and patterns. The low-lying design is meant to integrate right into the surrounding landscapes. Wright believed homes should exist in harmony with nature. Prairie house floor plans are designed so they won't intrude on the landscapes around them.

Prairie houses were the first American architecture style that was seriously considered in Europe. This attractive house design remains popular throughout the United States. Unbelievably, Wright never even attended architecture school. Wright's down-to-earth beginnings were working on his uncle's farm during his childhood.

Wright enjoyed a 70-year career and ultimately designed 1,141 buildings of all kinds. Of all these designs, 532 were completed and 409 are standing today. Wright realized how noticeable his work was and stated, "The physician can bury his mistakes, but the architect can only advise his clients to plant vines."

Other architects designed variations of the prairie style house. The American foursquare style is also known as a Prairie Box. In 1936, Wright designed a simplified version of prairie style houses called Usonian. A modern prairie style house is a luxurious oasis tucked away in lush landscapes.

By Alice Lane

To find the prairie house plans of your dreams, visit House Plans and More (HDA). Since 1983, HDA has offered custom prairie house floor plans along with country farm house plans and many others types to bring beautiful homes to life for their customers

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Log Homes and Cabins - How Much Does a Log Home Cost to Build?

The above question is asked by most people before any discussion ensues about log homes in general. The above question cannot be answered unless many questions are asked of the prospective home buyer. As an example, the above question is similar to one asked, How much does a car cost?

A basic consideration of home cost is what part of the United States are you planning to build.

There can be a great disparity in building costs between these various regions of the country. Costs may be higher in California than in Arkansas due to the fact that living costs may be higher in California than in Arkansas.

In some states, there will be greater requirements of the builder and more approvals from various state and local agencies before a permit can be granted to build the home.

Some states do not have building codes or stiff building code requirements or in terms of engineering and contractor licensing and thus costs will be lower.

Building materials can also be higher in some states and in some areas of individual states than in another location. Thus, where you plan to build is a major consideration when the cost of a log home is analyzed.

Other considerations are:

The type of log home you intend to build. Will it be a precut package, a custom hand-crafted log home or random length logs from a local sawmill. The price of these various components can vary greatly and thus it is a major variable in the cost of building a log home.

Do you intend to ship logs in from another part of the country so that you can get the home and the home plan that you desire. Shipping can result in extra costs, but should not be prohibitive when one considers the total cost of the home.

Do you plan to have a full basement, maybe completely finished, or are you going to build on a slab or crawl space. There can be a great difference in these various forms of construction.

People must remember that the logs are just a small portion of the costs that will be entailed when building a log home. The type of roofing that is to be used such as exposed beam, conventional 2x rafters, or a truss roof can affect the cost of the home. Do you plan to use a specialty metal roof or use regular asphalt shingles?

The insides of the log home can run up the cost of the finished home. For instance, a stone fire-place, with hardwood floors, custom cabinets, top of the line bathroom and kitchen fixtures, specialty lighting and electrical components, and interior wall finishing. Most people have the misguided belief that once the house is shelled in, they are near completion. This is not true! There is a lot of labor and materials that will go into the interior of the home before it is finished. It is at this stage that many people opt for the better cabinets, lighting fixtures, carpet, etc. and destroy their budget. One a budget is determined, stick to it or you will get into a lot of trouble with the funds you have allocated to the project.

To get an idea if you can afford a log home, you need to check building costs in the area in which you plan to build. If nice, custom homes are being built in your area for $125 per sq. ft. then you can use this as a guide. However, if this seems feasible, then start shopping for a log package and a builder. A local builder can give you some idea what building costs are running in the area. In the end, you will have to bring a completed blueprint to a builder and tell him exactly what you want for flooring, cabinets, roofing, etc. He will also have to look at your lot to see if it will require more or less work than normal to put in a foundation, septic system, driveway, etc. As a last reminder, if the building costs are in the $125 per square foot range, that does not mean that you can the put in a deluxe bathroom, teak floors, imported crystal lighting fixtures, etc. Keep your feet on the ground when designing your home unless your do not have financial constraints.

One might hear that a completed log home costs will run 2 or 3 times the price of the log package. This is not an accurate way to judge the cost of your finished log home. For instance, one package may sell for $30,000 and another of $60,000, but the less expensive package may well have fewer materials furnished. Thus you have a range of $90,000 to 180,000 for a completed home which are both the same size. Components that go into a log home (or any home for that matter) can vary greatly in price from the low end to the high end. Which end of the building spectrum that you plan to build will make a big difference in the final cost of the home.

To use a multiplier against the cost of the log package is like getting the price of an automobile by using a factor against the weight of the vehicle. The final, only reliable way to get a finished cost of your log home is have a builder(s) go over your prints after you have them exactly what you want in the house as to materials and components.

Finally always have a buffer in your budget of 5 to 10% to cover price increases or unforeseen expenses. If you are on a really tight budget, don't just throw caution to the wind and say, lets build it as it will work out. It might, but if you are wrong you may or the bank may end up with a not quite completed home.

I have worked with people who what their dream home which is going to be a log home with the best of everything that can be had. They cannot get a loan to cover such a project so they eventually went to a factory built convention home because it was less expensive. If they had gone to a more realistic floor plan with fewer bells and whistles, then they could have had a log home that would have fit their budget.

Be realistic when setting goals for your hew log home. Don't design something that is completely out of your financial range. The belief that log homes are a very expensive way to build is just not true. What happens is that some people put in too many costly features that runs up the price of the home.

By Clyde Cremer and Jeff Cremer

Clyde Cremer holds a Master degree in Forestry from the Yale University School of Forestry and Environmental Studies in New Haven, CT

He has over 35 years of experience in the forestry industry is currently the president of American Log Homes Inc. in Pueblo, Colorado

For answers to all things related to wood and trees and log homes contact Clyde at or give him a call at 719-547-2135

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The Benefits of Buying a House

Deciding between renting or buying a residence can be a difficult decision for one to make. There are benefits for both options, depending on what stage of your life you are currently in. In general, the benefits of purchasing a home -- economic, mental, and emotional -- greatly outweigh those of renting. Renting provides residents with the flexibility to move whenever necessary and can also provide the tenants with lower monthly payments than buying. Despite this, the benefits of buying a house tend to greatly outweigh those of renting.

Economic Benefits

The first thing to consider about purchasing a house is the potential to reap many economic benefits with this investment. A homeowner will profit from several tax incentives, such as property tax and mortgage interest deductions. First-time home purchasers will see that their real estate property taxes are fully deductable, and those with a mortgage balance that is lower than the home's worth will benefit from a fully deductable mortgage interest.

For homeowners who have resided in their houses for at least two out of the past five years, there is a capital gain exclusion law that allows them to exclude up to $500,000 of earnings from the their capital gains. This also equates to lower taxes for homeowners.

Real estate also has a trend to appreciate in value over the years. Unlike a car, whose value decreases with the passing of time, the worth of your real estate should go up in a constant manner (despite certain dips in the real estate market).

Finally, each time you make a payment on your home, you reduce your mortgage by a certain amount. This means that with every payment, you increase your equity. Now that you have home equity, you can also take out a home equity loan to pay for other necessities, such as education or medical bills.

Emotional/Mental Benefits

When you purchase a home, you gain the ability to proudly announce that you have a place of your own. You can do anything you want with your house -- design it as you feel fit, decorate it as you please, and landscape the outside however you want. You also have collateral to do things such as take out a home equity loan, meaning that you have more of a sense of financial security. This helps build confidence in your financial standing and ability to support your family, if you have one.

By Joseph Devine

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If you would like to learn more about the benefits of purchasing a home, please take the time to visit

Joseph Devine

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Saturday 21 March 2009

Choosing a New Home Or Existing Home

New homebuyers are often faced with the choice of purchasing a new home or an existing home. There are many factors that potential homebuyer should consider before making a decision. The following list compares owning new homes to owning existing homes:

Design and Layout: New homes tend to have extras such as larger rooms, more bathrooms, and bigger closets. There are usually additional options such as paint color, type of cabinets, flooring, custom wiring for TV's, computers, phones, and more. Modern features like walk in closets and extra bathrooms are available when building a new home. In existing homes, you get the previous owners design and layout. Renovations and upgrades tend to be quite expensive. For those who enjoy heritage homes such as Victorian homes with their hardwood floors and high ceilings will prefer existing homes.

Maintenance: Although existing homes can be less expensive to purchase, they usually require more maintenance which will increase costs. New homes usually contain durable materials such as aluminum siding and pressure treated wood decks which require little or no maintenance for a number of years. New homes are often constructed with materials that require little or no maintenance. Purchase price for an existing home is usually more negotiable.

Expenses: New homes usually have very little or no costs associate with plumbing, roofing, wiring, and heating systems. Existing homes may require repairs and upgrades.

Warranties: Many homebuilders will provide warranties that can range from 8 - 10 years. These warranties will cover problems associated with construction problems. As well, new appliances such stoves and refrigerators will be under manufacturer's warranty. Existing homes do not have warranties.

Energy: New homes have better windows, air filtration systems, improved insulation, and more efficient heating and cooling systems. Existing homes are less energy efficient. They usually have poorer air circulation and use much more energy.

Amenities: New home subdivisions are designed to offer many community extras such as nearby schools, parks, playgrounds, and swimming pools. Existing homes do not have that luxury.

Equity: Buyers gain equity while the house is being built. This is not the case for existing homes.

Protection: Depending on the area, new homes meet weather and geological standards for such events as hurricanes, tornados, earthquakes, flash floods, drought conditions, and more. Existing homes usually do not meet current weather and geological standards.

Moving-In: Moving in is easier for new homebuyers. They are usually able to move in when the sale has closed and the house is completely built. Homebuilders will remove any debris. Buyers of existing homes often have to deal with cleaning, waste removal, and repairs.

Health: New homes tend to have better air quality and are clean when you move in Air filtration systems are modern.. Some existing homes may need to be cleaned. Items that often need to be cleaned include heating systems, carpets, walls, floors, and much more.

Safety: New homes are usually safer because they are built to accommodate modern smoke and fire alarm systems as well as high tech burglar alarm systems. For an existing home, the owner will have to upgrade to accommodate these features.

Purchasing a home can be one of the most exciting life investments. There are advantages and disadvantages to buying either a new or existing home. The best way to decide which home is best for you and your family is to make a list of what you are looking for in a home. Because it is such a major life decision, you want to make sure you are well informed so that you and your family can relax and enjoy your very own home.

By Amy Nutt

New Homes Builder Company based in Southwestern Ontario. Visit in one of our offices at Guelph Homes

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Rural Development Mortgage Guidelines Allow For 100 Percent Financing Loans

Few people are aware that Rural Development Mortgages provide government guaranteed financing for 100% loan to value for home mortgages. With a Rural Development Mortgage, there is no recapture because it is not a subsidy loan.

There are many benefits to Rural Development Mortgages that include 100% LTV based on the appraised value of your home, zero down payment, and low 30 year fixed mortgage rates. USDA's Rural Development guidelines provide flexible credit guarantees and require no mortgage insurance.

It is recommended that real estate agents and for sale by owners should use this 100% rural development mortgage in their advertising. If more people were aware of this government program, real estate sales would increase substantially. Not every home or buyer will quality for a rural development mortgage loan, but if they do they are getting one of the top mortgages with low interest rates on the market today.

Rural Housing Service (RHS) was created in 1994 as a result of the Department of Agriculture Reorganization Act to meet housing and community development needs.

More rural families and individuals are now able to become homeowners with the help of the Rural Housing Service Programs. There are various programs available to aid low-to-moderate income rural results to purchase, construct or repair a home. Rural development mortgages allow qualified homebuyers the opportunity to get loans with minimal closing costs and no down payment.

Section 502 Rural Housing Guaranteed Loan Program states that a loan guarantee through RHS means that, should the borrower default on the loan, RHS will pay the private financier for the loan. The rural development loan program's purpose is to enable loan and moderate income rural residents to acquire modestly priced housing for the own use as a primary residence. There is also a program available to purchase and repair an existing or newly constructed home.

The Section 503 Single Family Housing Direct Loan Program states that individuals or families receive direct financial assistance from the Rural Housing Service in the form of an affordable interest rate home loan. Loans are typically made for 30-33 years and eligibility is based on the family's income.

By Diana L Hazlett

Rural Development Mortgages is a Michigan based mortgage brokerage company established in 2003. Development Manager, Jaime Hunt shares over eight years experience in the processing, approval and sales division of residential and commercial loans. One key aspect of her position is monitoring the ever-changing market and sourcing out all loan programs available to better service her clients' needs. For more information on rural development mortgages, visit Jaime's website

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Beware of Loan Modification Scams

With a large number of people seeking help to avoid foreclosure, the climate is right for loan modification scams. Anytime that people are in financial distress and looking for a resolution, it seems like there are always a few unscrupulous individuals out there to take advantage of the situation. The loan modification industry is no different.

If you need to have your mortgage modified, the best place to start is with your current lender. Almost all the major lenders have programs that will provide relief if you are experiencing a hardship. The lender would rather make modifications that will allow you to stay in your home than to have to go through the process of foreclosing on your home, especially with the number of people facing foreclosure at the current time.

It is important that you take the necessary time to properly research any company that you are considering getting help from to avoid foreclosure. Many of the companies that specialize in this service are new, because the need did not become abundant until recently. And there are a lot of scammers in this business. I hear it on the news every night.

Check with the Better Business Bureau. The state attorney general's office is also another great resource. I actually find the internet better than either of these two sources. Forums offer excellent information when it comes to services. The community will tell you about both their good and their bad dealings with a company.

I also like the Ripoff Report. It can be found on the internet. People will document their unfavorable experiences with an organization. Other people may add entries about their experiences with the same company. I have also seen the service organization add rebuttals to the correspondence. At least you will get a general idea about the company you are about to give your money to.

If you are looking for a loan modification you should start with your own lender. If they can not help you, they can give guidance as to what your options are in this case.

By Marj Schneider

Loan modification scams can cost you a lot of and also your home. Find out how you can get more information on government loan modification and a loan modification agreement

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FHA Streamline Refinance is Like a Stated Income Loan

Homeowners with a current FHA mortgage have something that others don't, that is the opportunity to refinance with no income verification, using an FHA streamline refinance.

A stated income loan seemed to be a thing of the past but, FHA will streamline a mortgage refinance to reduce the documentation and underwriting normally required. That means no tax returns, W-2 forms, or pay stubs, and no bank statements to verify assets. Also, FHA does not require a credit report, but some lenders may require one for pricing the rate. A verification of mortgage is required to determine if the loan is delinquent, which is not allowed.

Another potential benefit of the FHA streamline refinance program is that a home appraisal may not be needed. So, in addition to being like a stated income loan, without verifying income or assets, this loan can also eliminate value as an obstacle, especially in a declining housing market.

As with all government programs, there are certain rules and limitations that determine if a refinance will fit into the FHA streamline guidelines, including the following:

1. The current mortgage to be refinanced must already be FHA loan
2. The subject property must be the borrower's primary residence
3. The current mortgage to be refinanced should not be delinquent
4. The streamline refinance only allows a maximum of $500 cash out
5. The refinance must result in reducing principal and interest payments

When getting an FHA streamline refinance without using a new appraisal, the maximum loan amount will be determined by using the lesser of the following two calculations:

1. The original principal balance of the existing FHA mortgage, plus the new up front mortgage insurance premium, which is currently 1.5% on a streamline refinance.

2. The existing FHA mortgage, plus closing costs, prepaid taxes, insurance, interest, and the new up front mortgage insurance premium. Subtract refund of old premium.

When using a new appraisal for an FHA streamline refinance, the maximum loan amount will be determined by the lesser of the following two calculations:

1. The appraised value multiplied by the maximum loan to value percentage, which usually ranges from 97% to 97.75% depending on the state and the loan amount.

2. The existing FHA mortgage, plus the closing costs, prepaid property taxes, hazard insurance, up to 30 days interest, and subtract any refund of insurance premium.

If there is a line of credit or second mortgage on the home, the lien holder must agree to re-subordinate their loan regardless of the combined loan to value. The total amounts of the first and second mortgages can exceed the normal loan to value and the maximum mortgage limit.

By R A Smith

Article written by Rick Smith at, additional FHA mortgage information at

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Five Ways to Cut Costs When Refinancing Your Mortgage

Are you planning to get some makeover done on your mortgage? If yes, all you need to do is get in touch with a good mortgage broker or a local loan officer and finalize a new deal for yourself. However, in order to save money over a short as well as a long term, it is essential to make the new deal even better. After all, in times of recession, every dollar saved can make a big difference. In order to get a profitable deal, you can follow the following cost-cutting strategies:

1) A significant portion of the mortgage payment is spent paying interest. Therefore, if you somehow manage to get a mortgage loan with a lower refinance rate and a short payback term, you can save a considerable amount of money over the long haul. For instance, a 15-year mortgage loan requires you to make large payments each month, but at the same time, it helps you save a large sum for your future as well. To get the best deal, it is therefore wise to compare the refinance rates from at least 4-5 refinance lenders and then make an informed decision. However, never opt for such a loan, if you think you cannot afford to pay the big monthly installments.

2) Lenders usually do not consider borrowers with a bad credit report. So, if you have open credit card accounts that are no longer used, it is in your own favor to close them all. Also, make sure to get it stated in your new credit report that all your accounts were closed on your request and not because of your bad credit history.

3) In addition, you can also consider paying "points", a fee that lowers the interest rate of your mortgage loan to a great extent. This cost-cutting strategy can help you save thousands of dollars in a long run. However, do not opt for this kind of a strategy if you are planning to move after a few years.

4) In order to save more money, you should also abstain from Private Mortgage Insurance, popularly known as PMI. Most lenders usually insist on carrying this insurance if you borrow over 80% of your home's value. These kinds of insurance policies require you to pay hundreds of dollars each year. Therefore, if you really want to save money over a long period, it is wise to put more money down on a home initially and avoid a PMI.

5) Last but not the least, before finalizing any loan, it is essential to refer to the list of standard fees provided by the Department of Housing and Urban Development. This list will help you analyze the fees your lender is asking for on the loan.

Thus, using a few simple tactics, you can save a lot of money for yourself over a long term. If you follow the above strategies sincerely, let me assure you that you will be able to save enough to free yourself from all debts and also have your own house in future.

By Eshwarya Patel

Get the Best Loan and Mortgage Info on Online Loan Officers - An extensive listing of loan officers and financial institutions in over 500 cities of the US

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Loans Modification - The Secret Loan Modification Companies Do Not Want You to Know

Banks are in quite the predicament these days. So many have failed and so many are hurting. To keep from having a huge stockpile of REOs, banks are bending over backwards to help out struggling homeowners, but, you have to know what you are doing to get a loan modification done. There are dozens of loan modification companies out there and they all have something in common.

They did not exist three years ago and none of them knew how to modify loans UNTIL they were taught how to do it with a step by step program (by the way, those step by step programs are available to ANYONE).

If any of the following scenarios sound like you, you may be able to easily change the terms of your home loan:

- Late on your mortgage

- On the doorstep of foreclosure

- In an ARM

- If you can no longer afford your mortgage payment

- If your home value has dropped significantly

- If you have lost your job and now making less money

- If you are currently negotiating with your lender about a modification

The secret these companies DO NOT want YOU to know

That is easy. They do not want you to know how easy it is to change the terms of your loan without their. The only reason they are in business now, is because they learned how to do it themselves OR someone taught them how. There are a couple of good, comprehensive guides that show you step by step exactly what to do.

By S. L. Welch

If any of these sound like you, you may be able to Modify Your Loan on your own and save yourself thousands. Visit our website at

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Home Prices to Fall and Fall and Fall

I just read an article forecasting more trouble for real estate in 2009. The author seemed to be incredulous about the possibility, saying that some markets were even approaching Pre-Bubble price levels as though that was an organic impossibility.

If you check you will see that the last 2 real estate booms in the 70's and 80's resulted in prices dropping back to pre-boom levels before they took off again. That is what statisticians refer to as a "regression to the mean" falling back to the historic trend line.

There are even more significant troubles for real estate in 2009 and beyond than are perceived by many interested in real estate.

These troubles will continue to drive prices down even further. Although some markets are in fact approaching pre-boom prices, the pendulum may not stop at mid point and may actually swing all the way past pre-boom prices. Have you ever known a pendulum to stop mid way through its swing?

Here are some additional factors to consider:

The credit crisis is forcing banks to husband what little capital they have which is why they will restrict lending to the Very qualified.

How many prospective home buyers have 750+ FICO or Credit scores And 30% in cash for down payment, closing costs and bank mandated cash reserves? Especially since the US savings rate has been hovering around zero for the past decade.

Fewer buyers equal lower demand which means lower prices.

Also, how many more homes will be deserted by home owners who are Underwater, owing more than they owe? It is estimated that nearly 16% of owners with mortgages or about 8 Million home owners are in this situation. These desertions will add greatly to the bloated inventory of homes weighing down the market.

Finally, the only bright spot in housing will probably be extinguished in 2009 as interest rates will skyrocket once China is forced to stop buying our debt because of our dwindling purchases from them.

One report I read said that rental of a typical space on a freighter delivering goods to the US fell from $236,000 for the trans Pacific crossing to $5,000!

Once China stops buying our Treasury Bonds, we will have to lower prices on them to attract other buyers, which will jack up their yields or interest rates as they move inversely to prices.

Our mortgage rates will then soar because they are pegged to the 10 year Treasury Bond yield.

So, despite the optimistic predictions of many rose tinted, shade wearing real estate "professionals" the likelihood of a rebound in housing is probably further away in 2009 than at any time since the real estate bubble burst.

By Bill Young

Copyright 2008 Bill Young. Bill is offering a free, one year course for people who want to know how to quit living pay check to pay check and how to become financially free developing multiple streams of income from real estate and home based business assets. Register here: http://HowtoSolveYourMoneyProblems.Com

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New Real Estate Agents Guide to Getting Started Profitably

Now that you have earned your real estate license, you may be wondering just how you can go about making sure that you are a complete success. There is a fear that a real estate new agent may have and that is being able to compete with the competition out there. If you are new and just getting started, there are tips and hints to follow in order to make sure that you are going to come out on top. Success will not just happen on it's own. You have to push hard and keep yourself focused on your goal. Within enough time you will be able to see just how much your patience pays off.

The first thing you want to do is to find the right real estate company for you to hang your license up at. Even though most of your success will be dependent on your personal drive, it is important to make sure that you have a reputable real estate company backing you up. Look around your neighborhood and see which real estate company has their name all over the place. Spot the yard signs, the ads in the newspapers, and the houses listed on the Internet. Discover which local company gets more attention from those wanting to list their house for sale.

Besides wanting to make sure that you end up with a real estate company that gets a lot of business, you want to make sure that you will receive the training you need. The more of a success you end up to be, the more money the office makes as a whole. Companies who are on top of their game will realize this and will invest time and money into making sure that you get all of the training you need to make it to the top.

Now that you have established where you are going to work, it is important to make sure that you are creating a business plan for yourself. The real estate new agent must make sure that he or she is creating a goal for their first year. This means that you will want to set yourself up with goals that are realistic. Discover ways that you will be reaching out to prospects and dedicate a certain amount of your resources to marketing and professional development. By following such simple steps you can make sure that you are off on the right foot towards making your career a successful one.

By James Banister

Learn more about becoming a new real estate agent and how you can get started right away and be profitable

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Are World Property Prices Good For the UK?

With houses prices falling all over the world are world property prices good for the UK? This is becoming a real benefit for people who have the money and want to buy. A resent survey has revealed that house prices have fell all over the world as the recession starts to take a real grip.

Looking at rate house prices are falling in the UK it can be seen that it's not as serve as some other parts of the world. For example in Latvia's capital houses prices have fallen by 37 percent. This is a much higher decline than in the UK where house prices have fallen by 18 percent.

If you have the money to spend then this can be good news to you as you can get some real bargains and really the only way property prices can go is up. This will see a great return on your investment in the future.

Following the Bank of England making further cuts to interest rates some people are paying no interest at all on their mortgage another great reason to buy now. If you have a tracker mortgage you will have been enjoying a cut in your mortgage for the last 6 months.

The bad news is that not all banks are passing on the interest rates. So this may not be good news for everyone. This is somewhat understandable considering the mess financially banks are in. Though considering the taxpayer is helping these banks out it does seem somewhat unfair that some banks are not prepared to pass the savings on to their customers. This all makes the British public more skeptical about banks its just unfortunate that we depend on banks so much. Things really need to be done to ensure that the correct lessons are learned from this which will help avoid this situation in the future.

SO to recap if you are in the lucky position where you have some money then there has never been such a good time to buy and with interest rates so low this will make your investment far more attractive. However not everyone is going to be in this situation as many people are being made redundant and buying a home is more likely the last thing on their mind.

By Michael Hanna

Renting has become understandable more popular in resent months SO for houses to rent in Birmingham and would check out here they also have great houses to rent in Liverpool

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Is Your House an Asset Or a Liability?

To most people, that's a stupid question. Of course your house is an asset: For many people, it will be the only investment they will ever make. However, if done incorrectly, it can become a liability, without you even realizing it.

If it is done the way the "old folks did it", it will be an investment. In other words, if you buy a house, and live in it all your life, it becomes an investment. It increases in value, while your financial input dwindles, until it eventually only requires taxes and maintenance to be paid. It is an ideal situation, since you eventually stop paying for a place to live in, before you have to retire.

Unfortunately, the real world looks a bit different. As your needs change, and you qualify for career advances, you move to a different house. Statistically, the average home owner changes houses once every seven years. This means that a large portion of your profit is swallowed every seven years, not only by the transaction costs, but by the costs of moving, spending money on the new home, new furniture, etc.

If you decided, for instance, to simply rent a home, which would cost you a bit less, and invest the difference, where would you be in thirty years from now? Instead, by the time retirement comes around, the average person is halfway into paying off a mortgage, still left with a mountain of debt. Every time you move, you cut into your own profits, yet most of it is never calculated completely and properly.

So is your house an asset, or is it a liability? Only you can answer that question. Most people would not answer truthfully, anyway. Hence the persistence of the opinion that your home is you biggest asset. And there is none so blind as one who does not want to see.

By Arthur Patrickson

For more information regarding real estate, visit us today for Property Discussions
You may also want to visit this site discussing Property Rentals

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Land Transfer Tax Rebate For First Time Home Buyers

Every time a piece of land exchanges hands in Ontario a land transfer tax is payable.

First time buyers may be able to collect a rebate on all of this amount or at least part of it, to a maximum of $2,000.00

You can claim the rebate at time of registration. You can ordinarily do this with your lawyers help. It may offset the land transfer tax payable completely, depending on your purchase price. If you don't claim at the time of registration, the rebate may be claimed directly from the Ministry of Revenue. Forget about interest!

To be eligible for a refund, you:

* have to be 18 years of age or older;
* the home must be your principle residence for at least 9 months after the date of transfer; and
* you cannot have previously owned a home, or have been part owner in a home, anywhere in the world.


* your husband/wife cannot have ever owned a home, or have been part owner in a home, anywhere in the world while being your spouse; and
* in the case of a newly constructed home, you must be entitled to a Tarion New Home Warranty.

How To Apply?

Qualifying taxpayers may claim an instant rebate at time of registration by either of 2 ways:

* If registering electronically, by completing the required statements under the "explanation" tab of the electronic affidavit.
* If registering by paper, by filing an Ontario Land Transfer Tax Refund Affidavit For First-Time Purchasers of Eligible Homes.

How Long Can You Take To Apply After You've Purchased?

* You must make the application no later than 18 months after the date of the transfer.

If application was not made at registration and the tax was paid, qualified purchasers may apply for a refund by completing an Ontario Land

Transfer Tax Refund Affidavit For First-Time Purchasers of Eligible Homes.

By Tony Brayley

For full details on the refund program, please see Ontario Tax Bulletin LTT 1-2008 Land Transfer Tax Refunds for First-Time Homebuyers or visit my website

Tony has been selling real estate in Brampton, Ontario & surrounding areas for almost 24 years. Has seen all the cycles and developed a system that works during boom times and recessionary times alike. Tony co-authored the book "We're About Families" with another book currently in progress. Visit Tony at his website for any questions or information

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The "Knock On" Effect of the Current Property Market Situation

With the current price crash within the property market there are a couple of things that has seen a rise of a result of this, the two main ones that I will be discussing in this article are the rise in renting and house auctions.


People who cannot get a mortgage or have defaulted on their mortgage have been forced to rent until there situation improves. This has been good news for property management firms who have seen a big rise on people looking for rented accommodation. This has also helped private landlords to keep their property occupied. This can usually be a problem for private landlords as they need to have their property occupied to pay of their investment. This has made buying property to rent a more attractive option for investors as this can now be less of a risk. This however does not help in them receiving a mortgage for their property as banks aren’t lending with confidence at the moment.

House Auctions

More and more people are defaulting on their mortgage perhaps due to unemployment issues or similar financial constraints. Although the interest rate is very low at the moment this still does not seem to be helping everyone. It is said that in the last three months of 2008 has seen a rise of 16.3 percent in property auctions. Auctions hold a few advantages for people wanting to buy a home. One being the saving made on the actual cost of the home. Further savings can be made on administration costs.

More costs can be saved because you don’t have to deal with an estate agent which can result in saving in securing the property. The rise of people attending auction has also seen a rise. However this could work against you as more people are bidding on the home, this could make acquiring said house more expensive if there are a lot of competitive bids.

With every down turn in an industry there are winners and losers. In many cases the customer can make great savings, however with people’s budgets being so tight they just don’t have the money to take advantage of the situation. If you do have some saving and you can get a mortgage then now is most defiantly the time to buy.

By Michael Hanna

If you want to rent though I would check Grant Management's website they have lots of flats to rent in Newcastle and also lots of flats to rent in Stirling

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