Tuesday 13 January 2009

Real Estate Agents - Useful But Beware

Are you thinking about purchasing real estate? Surely purchasing a house can be an exciting time especially if you're a first time homebuyer but there is also a lot of work involved. There are many services and tools available to help you in your search. Using the assistance of a real estate agent can be very beneficial and an agent may help you find the home of your dreams. There are some things to be aware of before you put your home hunting in the hands of a professional.

Real estate agents are professionals but keep in mind that they are basically salespeople out to make money. They are offering a service and no matter how friendly and personable they are, their job is to sell you a property so they can make a commission. While most are not blatant liars, many will try to downplay negatives and stress positives about a property. They will convince you that you need an agent which is not necessarily the case.

A real estate agent may not explain all of the problems with a property such as pest control problems. Other things they may not be straightforward with are other unseen repairs such as plumbing and electrical problems. You are ultimately responsible to find the problems and then decide how to handle them in the negotiation of the sale. An agent can help advise you but remember that they are eager for a sale so some may tell you a repair is not necessary.

A real estate agent will give you a list of inspectors to use but since they work with the agent they may be eager to let things slide in hopes of future business. It is safer to find a reliable and reputable inspector on your own.

Since real estate agents are out to make money most will not advise you of properties that they will not receive a commission on. A property might be just right for you but they will keep close lipped about a property since they don't want to lose your business. For this reason you shouldn't leave your search entirely in the hands of an agent. Do some searching yourself. Not only will you find potential homes but you can check to see if your agent is looking at all possible properties or they are only looking at ones that will benefit them. You are paying for their services so you have the right to question their work.

Remember that you don't have to use a real estate agent no matter how agents will try to convince you of the contrary. Also remember that real estate agents provide a professional service that can be useful in buying real estate. Only a small percentage are dishonest but beware and find an agent who is reputable.

By Eric J. Slarkowski

The essayist Eric Slarkowski is especially passionate about things associated to cost Calida. You might find out more about his writings on property for sale in Costa Calida, Spain at http://www.alicante-spain.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Eric_J._Slarkowski