Wednesday 11 February 2009

How to Search Efficient Real Estate Agents

Finding an efficient real estate agent can be a daunting task as they are relatively few in numbers. It is often said that 20% of the real estate agents do 80% of the business. The agent best suited for you must be an experienced professional who will listen to you, carry out the tasks in an ethical manner and knows your requirements.

All Realtors are licensed to sell real estate and function as an agent but not all real estate agents can be called realtors. Only registered realtors can display the Realtor logo. Registered realtors® belong to the National Association of Realtors and are bound by the Code of Ethics, a comprehensive list containing 17 articles and underlying standards of business practice.

It is a fact that most real estate agents remain in business because their satisfied clients refer them to friends, family, neighbors and colleagues. You can therefore ask the people known to you who they hired and ask them to describe their experiences various real estate agents. Successful agents make customer satisfaction their number one priority. Try to find agents who go above and beyond their responsibilities. You can even ask other real estate agents for referrals. Agents are happy to refer buyers and sellers to associates, especially if the service you need is not a specialty of the agent who is referring you.

There are plenty of Web sites that will refer agents to you though there is no assurance they will be competent. It is likely that the agents they refer are those who have paid the Web site owners a fee to be listed in their directory. Instead it is better to Google the top real estate companies in your area, visit those Web sites and look up profiles of individual agents and their customer testimonials.

Attending open houses will enable you to meet real estate agents in a friendly working environment. Collect their business cards and make notes on them. Pay attention to the listing signs in your neighborhood. Make note of the day they go up and when the sold sign appears. The agent who sells listings the fastest might be the one you should engage. If an agent is result-oriented, he is understandably the more efficient and better organized agent.

Get a copy of the agent's production record. From the agent's production record, you can find out how many homes the agent has sold per year, how much they were sold for and where they were located.

Knowledgeable consumers interview potential real estate agents before finally deciding on whom to hire. A few of the questions you can ask him to assess his worth are:
-How long have you been in the business?
-What is your average list-price-to-sales-price ratio?
-What is your best strategy to meet my needs?
-Will you provide references?
-What are the few things that separate you from the other agents?

A good agent will not hesitate to answer these questions.
-May I see copies of the forms that I will be asked to sign?
-How much do you charge?
-What kind of guarantee do you offer?

By Sarah Jose

Sarah Jose is a Copywriter of Wilden.She has written many articles in various topics related to Kelowna real estate. For more information on Okanagan real estate and any other queries visit real estate Kelowna.

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